Career Discovery
Mentoring Program

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The UNSW Career Discovery Mentoring Program provides students with the opportunity to discover potential career and vocational futures through a mentoring relationship that facilitates greater self-awareness of skills, knowledge, experiences and attributes. It connects UNSW students with established industry professionals, providing students with a significant opportunity to focus on their career development.  
Over the mentoring period, students will receive guidance from mentors and gain knowledge of industries and sectors, career options, industry trends, workplace culture and dynamics. Students will also gain insights into their skills, knowledge, values and attributes, as well as reflect on their experience and learn from the experience of mentors. The program provides the opportunity to build personal and professional networks with mentors and fellow mentees. 

This program is not an internship, work experience or employment and does not meet the requirements for Industrial Training. Our aim is to assist you to develop an awareness of the career options and the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue a chosen field.

Why Become a Mentor?

  • Inspire a student who is eager to learn more from your career trajectory and expertise
  • Develop your leadership skills by reflecting on your career learnings, achievements, and milestones. 
  • Contribute to the UNSW community in a meaningful way
  • Receive recognition in the form of a UNSW-certified digital badge 

Why Become a Mentee?

  • Explore multiple industries/sectors to help discover a career path that’s right for you  
  • Build a relationship with an established industry professional who will provide support and guidance 
  • Build confidence in developing personal and professional networks  
  • Develop employability skills such as: communication, interpersonal, leadership and organisational skills
  • Take part in a program that offers the opportunity to engage 100% online or face to face  
  • Gain AHEGS accreditation 

One of the greatest values of mentors is the ability to see ahead what others cannot see and to help them navigate a course to their destination. - John C. Maxwell

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